SKU: 8859
All Products: Tenders , NGO Tenders
Availability: Unlimited
The United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience in South Sudan (RSRTF) is inviting consultancy firms to submit proposals for conducting an evaluation of (i) the RSRTF’s approach to thematic funding and (ii) the impact and performance of two of the Fund’s thematic grant projects. The main goals of this evaluation are to assess the relevance of the RSRTF’s Thematic Grants Window (TGW), particularly as it relates to the RSRTF’s focus on funding comprehensive ‘Area-based Programmes’ (ABPs), and to make recommendations as to any potential future applications of the TGW.
Please find more information here: UNDP | Procurement Notices - 88388 - RSRTF Thematic Grant Funding Eva 69
Thank you for your interest and consideration.
RSRTF Secretariat
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Availability: In stock
Minimum order quantity: 1
Maximum order quantity: 0
Listed date: 11th Jan, 2024
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