SKU: 9454
All Products: Jobs , Security Jobs
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The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for South Sudan founded in 2006, is a national multisectoral body established to coordinate and facilitate the Global Fund activities to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Programmes in South Sudan. The main purpose of CCM is to provide oversight function to ensure that the Global Fund (GF) grants to South Sudan are efficiently and effectively managed to provide healthcare services to citizens.
From 2006 to date, CCM South Sudan had overseen implementation of seven grants namely, HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria, and Health Systems Strengthening (HSS), in addition to Covid-19 Response Mechanism Grant.
Currently the CCM is represented by 17 constituencies which include Government Constituency (5), Civil Society Constituencies (10) and Partners Constituencies (2). CCM South Sudan is managed by a Secretariat which is headed by the Coordinator who directly reports to the CCM Chair.
Recently, the CCM has secured an amount of USD155.5M for three years 2021 — 2023 to support the national response on '1B, HIV and Malaria including the cross cutting Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) and Covid-19 Response Mechanism (Cl 9RM).
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Availability: In stock
Minimum order quantity: 1
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Listed date: 11th Jan, 2024
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