Country Coordination Office
Plot No: 445 Kololo Road 3k South
Tong Ping, Juba Town
South Sudan
Juba, 17nth February 2022
Malteser International Request for Quotations RFQ-JUB-2022-0039 for Supply and delivery of water treatment to Malteser International Juba office
For Supply and delivery of water treatment items to Malteser International Juba office
- Annex 1: Specification of Tendering
- Annex 2: Bill of Quantity
#We look forward to receiving your tenders by or before the submission deadline on 22nd February 2022 before 2:00PM via E-mail to:
Please write in the Subject line of your email with tender: RFQ-JUB-2022-0039 for supply and delivery of water treatment items to Malteser International Juba office
Malteser International Request for Quotation RFQ-JUB-2022-0039 for supply of water treatment items.docx (209.2 KB)
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely Yours,
Reference :