SKU: 13803
All Products: Tenders , NGO Tenders
Availability: Unlimited
Windle Trust International
1 Windle Trust International (WTT) is one of the leading educational INGOs in South Sudan. Our mission is to challenge poverty and inequality by expanding access to and improving the quality of education and training. We work with all communities affected by conflict displacement, neglect, or discrimination
WTI is undertaking the Procurement of works for the Construction of WTI OFFICE BLOCK in Jobs, South Sudan
WII invites eligible bidders, reputable and registered construction companies under the Laws of the Republic of South Sudan and having experience in similar works of stored facilities (hereinafter called as "Works, under the terms set forth in the bid documents. The eligibility of a company shall be determined by the proof of legal documents and experiences as outlined in the TTB documents. The ITB consists of only one lot. The award shall not be provided based on the lowest priced BUT substantially compliant combination, which achieves the best overall value-for-money for WTI
Electronic version of the Bid documents can be obtained by interested and eligible bidders from this
link: Or from the below address:
Windle Trust International
Street Address: Addis Ababa Road, Hai Cinema, Opposite Yaro Plaza
City: Juba
Country: South Sudan
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security from a reputable bank in the prescribed fonnat addressed the Procurement Committee of WTI and shall be valid for 60 calendar days from the date of bid closure. The amount of Bid Security is $3,000.
Bid must be received by WTI through the email account/address specified in the tender documents by bid receipt deadline. Bids sent to any other physical/email address will be declared invalid.
Please be advised that WTI reserve the right to amend the solicitation documents at any time. Any amendments or clarifications will be posted under the same link on m-tender and we kindly ask you to check the site before submitting your bid.
WTI will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation and/or delivery of bids.
Model Number:
Availability: In stock
Minimum order quantity: 1
Maximum order quantity: 0
Listed date: 11th Jan, 2024
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