Assessment Officer - Cash  Markets.
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Assessment Officer - Cash Markets.

SKU: 10819

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The REACH Cash & Markets Assessment Officer (C&M AO) shall be responsible for:

  • Designing and implementing an overall cash and markets assessment strategy for the REACH South Sudan mission, developing corresponding analytical frameworks and methodologies;
  • Supporting the South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) on behalf of the Cash Working Group (CWG); overseeing coordination, data collection and output production; further developing methodology, tools and products;
  • Leading the JMMI Technical Working Group (JMMI-TWG) and organizing meetings as needed, thereby ensuring full buy-in from CWG partners;
  • Compiling and analysing available REACH data related to cash and markets to produce market reports on South Sudan;
  • Leading on in-depth market assessments including research design, coordinating logistical aspects, overseeing data collection and analysis as well as writing assessment reports and factsheets;
  • Providing information management support to REACH South Sudan and its partners through in-depth data analysis, technical training development, macro development, when possible;
  • Actively advocating for the establishment of a community of practice around common methodologies, tools and analysis;
  • Actively participating in regular coordination/cluster meetings (particularly Cash Working Group; FLS and other working groups as needed) meetings; providing regular market updates;
  • Building capacity of project staff, particularly in terms of data cleaning, output production as well as external engagement;
  • Providing technical backstop for other REACH Assessment officers on topics related to cash & markets;
  • Working to ensure the harmonisation of cash & markets-related indicators among critical, nation-wide assessments (REACH AoK, FSNMS, SMART, IOM VAS, IACWG IRNA etc);
  • Supporting the development / revision of assessment / programme strategies, reports or new proposals;
  • In coordination with the Country Coordinator, external representation of REACH with donors, partners and the wider Aid Community through clusters and sectoral working groups;
  • Coordinating timely and accurate reporting to IMPACT headquarters;
  • Liaising with staff of ACTED departments to ensure close coordination is maintained

Objective 1.1: Technical focal point for the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI)

The JMMI is a regular market data collection exercise in collaboration with 23+ members from the CWG. Critical market indicators are assessed on a monthly basis across 35+ locations across South Sudan. The JMMI was initiated by the CWG, WFP & REACH in August 2019. It is guided by the JMMI Technical Working Group (JMMI-TWG), led by REACH and supported by the CWG members. The C&M AO leads the JMMI-TWG and is responsible for supporting the initiative. S/he is responsible for continued development of tools and methodology, in close collaboration with the JMMI-TWG and other technical partners. S/he supports project staff and oversees coverage/partner/field team coordination, data collection, data cleaning and output production (and develop staff capacity in those areas as needed). S/he codes analysis scripts (in R) and adjusts existing ones as needed. S/he builds on existing data cleaning, analysis and output production SOPs and ensure all processes are fully documented. S/he supports adjustments to JMMI outputs (factsheets, datasets and online dashboard) as needed. S/he actively expands the initiative, aims to include additional partners (e.g. international organizations, NGOs, national partners) and works with various clusters (e.g. FSL, shelter/NFI, WaSH, CCCM) and other market monitoring systems (e.g. WFP-VAM, FAO- Climis & FEWSNET) to increase coverage, reach and impact of the initiative.

Product Specifications


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Availability: In stock

Minimum order quantity: 1

Maximum order quantity: 0

Listed date: 11th Jan, 2024

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